Graphic Design Article

By Malintha Peiris

Chaos of human psychology of visual design industry

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Chaos of human psychology of visual design industry

Chaos of human psychology of visual design industry. From the history of writing and printing to modern ways of technical communication evaluation we can assume human psychology is more sensitive to visual communication. Before any scientific proof or statistics, we as humans our brain capture and memories visual data rather than verbal communication, below two examples can make better sense how visual communication has most advantage when standalone than verbal.

You are walking in a noisy and crowded environment, your brain prioritizes visuals over acoustics how much you see complicated details without any design theoretically balances you less stressed than the same force of acoustic noise, but that won’t mean the brain can capture all details in a messy environment as visuals.

Imagine if you’re spamming from Acoustic waves in simple words listen to over and over same musical track you will be quickly tired. Remember the face of someone and how you process, store and recall data in your brain. All above proof humans are lack of skills when highly visually complicated objects with less contrast difference.

That type of situation makes visual confusion that lies in confirmation bias meaning the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one’s existing beliefs. If any type of communication falls to this type of confession that leads to miscommunication, fail to divert ultimate action and won’t affect. Imagine your social media posts could high impression or not at all and none of them won’t click your social post.

According to the above psychological behavior analysis you might feel the human brain will not ignore all unnecessary and complicated details filtering process for decision making when performing an action.

But that’s partially true when viewers need to taste the creation and discover the hidden composition direction for ultimate action. But all those design structures must be human friendly, in other words it must be sufficient to make an instance spark of design taste in any ordinary reader or viewer’s mind

In the musical world there is no language barrier for taste the rhythm, vocals, instrumental playbacks or even listener don’t won’t to be experts in the field for a better taste. Same as any type of design industry. In visual communication. Ultimately the design industry has fallen to massive confession of few topics and few words. For a minute test your natural skills define complicated words you never heard about, naturally before any brainstorming we used to break words to get an idea but simple words day to day hear, you won’t take any sufficient effort to understand. In the 21st century, you are near the world of design much than ever before, wake up with smart phones, enjoy digital contents, read boards, choose colors for your new dress up, prepare your favorite dish with colorful choices, shaving beard.

For a second did you think about virtually you are live with designs. Design or its industry is not what you think, that’s what you live in. So, we all are designers. But ordinary level of humans trying to break the word of design what you want to think. Many of them think any printed or digital visually appeal material called graphic design should be the most missed used word in the planet. Technically Graphic design is the art and practice of creating visual content to communicate messages, ideas, and emotions.

But in real-world practice you follow the practical terms and technical meaning of graphic design without knowing in personal life or industry purpose.

Visual communication and graphic design are two different but related disciplines. For some relation compare design industry and any other industries or certain tasks below is good instance in another word.

Since our childhood hood we write letters or any electronic form for written communication, even such common real-life event we apply design principles with or without knowing, first, we prepare contents in our letter for visual hierarchy means how contents should properly place one after another, then you spontaneously and secretly mastering your layout and grid skills zero knowledge about that. This is the nature of psychological sense like above musical example.

Then your letter must armed with typographical theories, in common sense what typeface and font you should you use, their sizes and proportions, contrast, color psychology. Without going too complicated choices in plan word document, did you ever think about why background color is lighter tone meaning completely white your text is almost darkest in contrast usage of your letter. Sometimes you activate read mode in your devices why switch colors? that is one of typographical theory and kind of practical matter. Moreover, sometimes complicated psychological practice such as some indication notices in monothematic color version. Even you taste your letter with some composition techniques when adding different paragraphs or objects, such as addresses, addressing person, content body, signature space.

Now you are approaching some of the most complicated theories and uses of design theories. That’s called balance with compositions we couldn’t forgot about. Composition is in simple terms well known as how elements are placed in design space. Balance is truly balance as your real world. Everything is having its own weight and distribution in visual communication one of primary purpose of graphic design is subject to this topic of example. Color psychology is subset of controlling and distributing visual balance all over the document or design space. 5 to 8 months after birth infant’ color vision not good as adult also eyes can work together to form a three-dimensional view of the world and begin to see in depth. Did you ever thought why did human see colors, limitations, does color exists, why do we feel some psychological sense from colors? In this topic we talk about advanced in addition colors have own weight Highest to lowest Red, Blue, Green, Orange, Yellow. However, this grading nicely plays up when Same saturation, luminosity, tone.

Without this complicated sense, why do you never write a letter for your boss in red bold text? Why does your valentine cake never be deep black color? Place a danger sign with rose color? So now the conclusion is color plays two key roles. As visual design industry did you ever thought about size matter? Density, Complexity. What are those? Yes, those are in our balance theory, but these techniques are reflected everywhere. You can’t place extra heavy weight in imbalance position in real word physics. Need to back to letter example with the Density do you spam your letter content with massive subsections? Answer is never, who will read that. Then the complexity Imagine very important sign board that need to read incredibly short period of time contains massive amount of rubbish bloat contents nearly impossible to recognize. Conclusion is design living with you follow your foot path whatever industry your profession, it is human sense.