Basic Terms and Conditions for users for design jobs,

Last updated: 2022-08-13

Welcome to (“I”, “we”, “our”, “us”)!
These Terms of Service (“Terms”, “Terms of Service”) govern your use of my website located at ( individually “Service”) operated by Malintha Peiris.
This terms and conditions specially made digital deliverables and products

Section Number 1: Revision or (Revision Number) is number of design adjustments per single design under one Job Description

Section Number 2: Revision Count may limited or subject to additional fees.

Section Number 3: Your Job Description is considered as the original job submission, that you submit at beginning when requesting each new design job. If any additional information, instructions, descriptions after started design process will start to count revision numbers.

Section Number 4: After you submitted the Job Description, I will email you the price quotation for each submission separately. Then you have to approve design job by replying same e-mail.

Section Number 5: After the client approval client must paid conditions applied refundable 20% worth of an advance payment for job discription worth more than 15.00 USD, 50% for less than 15.00 USD However, that will only refund if I will fail to continue the design job after client’s approval.

Section Number 6: Total estimated cost of each Job will be divided per few parts (milestones) while ongoing the project and client must pay per each part separately also subject to refundable separately if I failed to accomplish the job.
For an instance:- Client name ABC Company approved a Job called A and there are have 3 milestones, ABC Company paid for 1st milestone and job accomplished, paid for 2nd milestone and job accomplished and ABC Company paid for 3rd but unabled for accomplished then will refund for 3rd that paid by ABC Company

Section Number 7: However, client must note your first estimate per each job will without including additional fees and consider as the revision number 0. means your first estimate not the final amount and subject to additional fees with revision number increase.

Section Number 8: With each revision I will be update the clients about additional payments and may update current outstanding amount before the next stage.

Section Number 9: Client must approve for any job before start up and successfully settle payments for further stages, steps. (Milestones)

Section Number 10: Almost every type of international payments, ACH transfers may take reasonable period of time to receive in receiver's online account, so clients are having right to proof their payments before receiver's update from client’s online dashboard or physical bank slip. However, clients must proof that reasonable way 3-4 working days later from the deposit. or payment request from the For clients who send payments via Paypal or send by email are instant.

Section Number 11: All single payments for stages, steps, milestones of a design job or sometimes sole full payments under 15.00 USD or equivalent amount from other currencies are subject to approve start the design job before appear in my online financial account dashboard. However, clients must proof of the payment according to section number 10.

Section Number 12: Clients are not allowed to settle payment more or less than the quotation per each stage, Milestones. All clients are must follow the price quotation guide lines.

Section Number 13: is provide 2D graphic solutions as a freelance sole designer

Section Number 14: All clients must contact directly and I will reply back from tcmalintha(at) and malinthapeiris(at) I don’t have any other emails and domain-based emails.

Section Number 15: Soon